
“Talent hits the target no one else can hit; genius hits the target no one else can see.”

– Arthur Schopenhauer

At Circuit Genius, we work with a wide range of carriers and service providers to connect you to the right circuit, from the right provider, for the best price. We create a plan for your business that sees all angles of connectivity and addresses your needs. We offer single- and multi-carrier plans offering any combination of the following services:



Cable Internet Cable TV Call Center Solutions Calling Cards
Centrex Conference Calling Solutions Custom Software Solutions DS3 (Dedicated LD)
DS3 (int: PRI + Internet + MPLS + VoIP) DS3 (Internet) DS3 (ISDN PRI) DS3 (Private Line / P2P)
DS3 (Supertrunk) DSL (Internet) DSL (MPLS) DSL / Line Bundle
Ethernet – 100M (Internet) Ethernet – 100M (Private Line / P2P) Ethernet – 10M (Internet) Ethernet – 10M (Private Line / P2P)
Ethernet – 1G (Internet) Ethernet – 1G (Private Line / P2P) Ethernet – 1M-20M (EoC) Email Solutions
ISDN BRI LD Calling Plan (Dedicated) LD Calling Plan (Switched) Line Monitoring
MPLS OC12 OC3 PBX Inbound Trunk
PBX Outbound Trunk PBX Two-Way Trunk POTS Remote Call Forward
T-1 (Dedicated LD) T-1 (int: Analog + Internet) T-1 (int: MPLS + Internet) T-1 (int: PRI + Internet)
T-1 (int: Supertrunk + Internet) T-1 (int: Verizon Flexgrow) T-1 (int: VoIP + Internet) T-1 (int: VoIP + MPLS)
T-1 (Internet) T-1 (ISDN PRI) T-1 (Private Line / P2P) T-1 (Supertrunk)
Toll-Free Number VoIP (Hosted) VoIP (SIP Trunks) Wireless (EVDO)
Wireless (Fixed) Wireless (Satellite) Wireless (Voice) Other